Our projects ...



JUST TO STEPThe “Solo due Passi: Scuole di Inclusione e Partecipazione – Just Two Steps: Schools of Inclusion and Participation” project is being implemented in Italy and Hungary, thanks to co-financing from the European Union under the Erasmus+ program. The objective is to make schools more inclusive and accessible environments where all children, with and without disabilities, can fully develop their potential: personality, talents, creativity, and skills. To achieve this goal, the project focuses on enhancing the knowledge and skills of school staff, addressing physical, cultural, and behavioral barriers, and engaging the entire educational community (teachers, families, and students).


FINANCIAL SIGNSWe all need money, but once we have it, do we know what to do with it? The Financial Sign project is here to help us learn how to manage our money, as well as develop financial skills and competencies – all in Sign Language!
3D4DEAFThe 3D4DEAF project creates a toolkit for VET trainers, promoting 3D technologies and social entrepreneurial skills among students with deafness. It introduces extracurricular activities, identifies digital talents, opens up new careers as digital entrepreneurs, and promotes outcomes through dissemination activities.
SIEMdig SIEMdig will provide educators with tools and digital resources to enhance their digital skills. Through an interactive digital storytelling platform, SIEMdig aims to cultivate empathy and acceptance among young students. SIEMdig seeks to bridge the gap between schools and communities by facilitating dialogue and understanding of children's challenges. By engaging the wider community, the project aims to promote inclusion beyond the school environment, creating a supportive ecosystem for all children.
MOTHER MATTERS (MoMs)The project, through its products, aims to spread awareness of motherhood for women with disabilities among healthcare/educational professionals and among people with disabilities themselves. The aim is to bridge the communication and knowledge gap at national and European level.
Deaf Culture, Heritage and Diversity
Deaf Culture, Heritage and Diversity"Deaf Culture, Heritage, and Diversity"! Our aim is to bring Deaf Studies closer to young deaf individuals and youth workers, enabling them to better understand and appreciate the culture, heritage, and diversity of the Deaf community. We strive to empower young deaf youth workers with skills and knowledge in Deaf Studies, enriching the understanding of young deaf individuals.
TWICE ECXEPTIONALPeople who are gifted and have at least one challenge or disability are called twice-exceptional. Twice-exceptional individuals have the cognitive ability to change the world if they realize their potential. With this project, an important need will be met by developing an awareness training program, a socio-emotional education program, and an e-learning platform.
DE-SIGNThe De-Sign project, funded by the European Union, aims to inform and raise awareness about dementia among elderly deaf individuals in Europe. With a duration of three years and the participation of Germany, Austria, Greece, and Italy, its objective is to educate deaf individuals about dementia, raise awareness among medical personnel, and improve access to healthcare services. The team, comprised of both deaf and hearing members, conducts research, visits deaf clubs, presents at conferences, and produces Sign Language videos to disseminate knowledge.
Sign2InclusionThe project seeks to facilitate Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) secondary students’ (15-18 y/o) democratic participation and inclusion by creating a Multimodal Sign Language (SL) Lexicon on Environment and Emerging Technologies concepts to retain STEM’s central focus in DHH education and facilitate knowledge development, mobility, and exchange in those areas. This way, SL neologisms will be generated and diffused in wider DHH communities to enhance current and future students’ STEM career prospects.
DEAF WRESTLEThe main objective of the DEAF WRESTLE project is to equip coaches, managers, or instructors, athletes, and referees with skills and abilities aimed at improving their approach to working with deaf individuals. There are three main outcomes: a Guide that maps the best practices or examples already successfully developed in European countries (and beyond), a Glossary with 30 terms related to Greco-Roman Wrestling in International Sign and in Italian, Macedonian, Serbian, Bulgarian, and Greek Sign Languages, and finally, a training program (MOOC) aimed at Greco-Roman wrestling coaches, referees, and both deaf and hearing athletes, providing materials and tools to promote such inclusion.


GREENGUARDENSGreen GUARDens is an Erasmus Plus project targeting kindergarten teachers and their students (aged 3.5 to 6 years), including the deaf and dumb (DHH). The Green GUARDens project ensures that kindergartens become more sustainable and that teachers act as role models, showing their students greener behaviour through formal education using experiential and game-based learning to enhance this experience.
BIBLIOLINGUAAdapted European classics for secondary school students The European Erasmus plus project aims to provide adapted and accessible reading by combining second language learning with the promotion of European literature and heritage. The project will produce e-books, audiobooks and videos in sign language.
AUTHERAPIESAUTHERAPIES will conduct a review of evidence-based therapies for people with autism, agree on the skills needed to discriminate between therapies, and develop a training course for people with autism, family members, and active and trainee professionals. In parallel, AUTHERAPIES will carry out a strong awareness-raising campaign to generate a significant base in Europe and promote the use and choice of evidence-based therapies for autism.
ROLE MODELSThe aims of this project are to support young pupils in primary schools to become more confident by collecting success stories they can identify with, to promote inclusion and diversity in the classroom and to support the development of pupils' key competences and basic skills (literacy and digital skills). We intend to produce a short guide for teachers on how to build and develop the confidence and self-esteem of pupils with disabilities.
SET4INCLUSIONThe digitisation of education can have many positive impacts on students and their learning success, but at the same time it can also be a major barrier for some students, especially those with disabilities or special needs. The project aims to improve the inclusive digital capabilities of the higher education sector to enable equal educational opportunities for all students, but especially for students with disabilities or special needs.
VSL on Finance
VSL on FinanceVSL on Finance creates tools to improve the financial literacy of deaf individuals. The accessible modules in Sign Language can be used in vocational training on topics such as financial independence and household expense management. The project will also develop a glossary of financial terms in Sign Language to help deaf individuals navigate their educational paths and daily lives.


Storie migranti e di silenzio
Storie migranti e di silenzioIl progetto intende approfondire il tema della presenza di bambini sordi migranti e rifugiati nelle scuole e affrontare il rischio di discriminazione multipla di cui potrebbero essere vittima.
Silent Chefs
Silent ChefsThe project, in collaboration with organizations from Germany, Portugal, Turkey, Italy and Sweden, aims to eliminate barriers for deaf people who wish to receive professional training in the field of cooking. The main objective of the project is to develop a completely accessible and free distance learning program for deaf people who risk social exclusion.
Improving Digital Education for All Learners
Improving Digital Education for All LearnersIt is a project developed in response to the rapid changes in education and skills during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context the project will research, evaluate and disseminate national/international good practice to promote new approaches to learning, both online and blended learning to provide appropriate training.
4ELEMENTS IN ARTSThe ‘FOUR-ELEMENTS IN ART’ project will raise awareness and appreciation of the potential of creative thinking, art and creativity to fight alienation of people with special needs who take part in life-long learning and provide adult educators with the tools and techniques needed to implement new educational practices and approaches with their learners.
CITSCI4ALLThe Project focuses on the inclusion and active participation of the Deaf community in climate change issues as a means of exercising the right to participate in social life. In fact, the term 'Citizen Science' is the practice of active citizen participation in scientific research: the citizen usually collects and monitors data for the purpose of a scientific cause or research carried out by certain experts.
FINGOThe EU Fingo project supports teachers by providing training materials, experience and expertise in cross-curricular and interdisciplinary teaching, gamification and real basic simulation techniques. It focuses on financial literacy knowledge and skills.

DigitALLThe project aims to promote inclusion by producing support different kind of materials for teachers to implement in inclusive distance learning.

Career Paths Inclusive 2
Career Paths Inclusive 2Career Paths Inclusive 2 started in March 2022 with 5 partners from Austria, Italy, countries Netherlands and Slovakia. We intend to integrate the existing toolkit in Italian and Dutch sign languages, as well as shooting 40 new job orientation videos in Austrian, Slovakian sign languages, Italian and Dutch. New content will also be developed: video tutorials, training, evaluation and guidelines.
READY TEDDY GO!The Project aims to promote the inclusion of students with special educational needs and autism in all areas of education. It aims to implement the communication and social skills of young BES students and support teaching with the use of digital skills. An avatar named TEDDY will be made that will have a support function through the use of the specific App.
RURAL IN LIFEThe purpose of the project is to create an innovative and comprehensive training program for professionals (social workers, adult educators, and professionals from municipal services who assist people with disabilities) aimed at promoting social inclusion and independent living for people with disabilities living in rural areas.
ENTERThe ENTER project consortium, made up of 5 partners from Greece, Italy, Spain and Bulgaria, decided to implement the ENTER project in order to strengthen the digital skills, 3D printing and social entrepreneurial mentality of young people (20-34 years ) not employed, nor placed in education or training courses.

PERIEGESISThe project is wants to increase the possibility of cultural inclusion of DHH by organizing Sign Language VETs for personnel of museums and other cultural vaults.

Sign Language for Changemaking
Sign Language for ChangemakingSign for Change's mission is to address existing barriers and provide tailored educational methodologies and activities to support hearing impaired students develop their confidence and self-esteem, foster their identity and develop key competencies to become the architects of tomorrow's change. The project will develop online courses for the training of teachers working with deaf and hard-of-hearing students and will also guide students to develop campaigns on their own.
HEARTThe Project aims to increase the skills of educators and professionals working with people with disabilities on how to use robotic technology in the learning environment.


recreaMATHSThe recreaMATHS project intends to promote the teaching of mathematics by providing kindergarten and primary school educators with meaningful non-formal tools that shift the emphasis from "numerical skills" and "practice of skills and exercises" to teaching "mathematical language ".

MY HANDS ARE THE MIRROR OF MY CULTUREMy Hands are the Mirror of My Culture involves the creation of various multimedia contents of the cultural heritage of each project member country in their sign language.

DIGITAL INCLUSIONThe main objective of this project is to extend and develop the skills of educators, including their digital skills and knowledge of ICT tools, to create an inclusive school environment. This knowledge is aimed at a better integration of all students, with the consequent improvement of their academic results and motivation to continue with their training.
WE GET!Opening new perspectives and enhancing the training and professional paths of women are the two main lines of work of the We Get! Partners from 6 European countries joined forces to empower women by increasing the achievement of their soft skills, their creativity, persuasion and innovation, and by improving their digital and ICT skills.

Nome: European Cooperation in Education of Mentally Handicapped
Nome: European Cooperation in Education of Mentally HandicappedTo enable specialists working with people with intellectual disabilities to acquire alternative communication skills and to work in the process of sex education of these people. The ultimate goal is to share together the practices in use in each country and find a framework that can be shared by all.
deAf DigitAl PlaTform
deAf DigitAl PlaTformThe "deAf DigitAl PlaTform (ADAPT)" project aims to develop a rich digital magazine "culturally accessible" suitable for s / Deaf adolescents aged between 13 and 21 years.

THE GOOD MANGERThe project aims to develop a set of free modules, collected on a platform designed according to the principles of "low digital design". During the project, partnership management and project implementation will be implemented in order to minimize the environmental impact of the actions (eco-responsible project management tools, limited travel) and to ensure the accessibility of tools and documents for professionals with specific needs.
EU Digital Framework for SIGN LANGUAGES
EU Digital Framework for SIGN LANGUAGESThe project aims to develop a complete and innovative linguistic framework for sign languages ​​related to the semantic domain of digital and ICT, in order to improve the accessibility of deaf workers and students of professional courses, favoring their full integration beyond than fair and equitable treatment.
SEL-PE-DE"Exploring the implementation of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Primary Schools across the subject areas of Physical Education (PE) and Drama in Education (DE)".  The main objective of the project is the development of students' Emotional Social Learning (SEL) skills and personal-social responsibility and subsequently a substantial contribution to the reduction of conduct problems, to the improvement of school performance and also of the school climate, as a consequence of the development of students' social and emotional skills.
Los Linguajes nos acercan (Languages bring us closer)
Los Linguajes nos acercan (Languages bring us closer)We live in a hyperconnected world. A world that brings people closer, that shortens distances, but in which reflection and critical thinking are less and less practiced. We understand that one of the most important spheres of the human being is communication, understood in a broad sense. Through our project we aim to re-introduce new or non-popular ways of communication and interaction linked to each partner expertise.
CUED Speech Europa
CUED Speech EuropaCUED SPEECH EUROPA aims to promote Cued Speech, a very simple technique for deaf people to use with their families, friends, trainers and teachers. It is an accompanying lip reading technique that allows them to understand the spoken language, when used by most of the people around them.

ACCESSCULTAccessCULT aims to improve the accessibility of cultural heritage across Europe through the exchange of good practices and by developing, implementing, testing, improving and promoting an innovative multidisciplinary higher education module for students, prospective experts and adult training for existing cultural operators.

Deaf Senior Education for Active Living
Deaf Senior Education for Active LivingDESEAL (Deaf Senior Education for Active Living) is a project that includes the participation of 4 partners from Italy, Austria, France and Belgium. The project promotes equality, non-discrimination and diversity for elderly Deaf people by making accessible digital information available.

Creative Activities to Prevent Bullying on Special Needs Students
Creative Activities to Prevent Bullying on Special Needs StudentsThe aim of the project is to provide a widely usable training solution and bullying prevention and intervention skills, as well as raise awareness of the danger of school bullying among target groups as a serious problem with long-term consequences on mental health. and emotional of adolescents. on the mental and emotional health of adolescents.

MATHThe project aims to contribute to the distance mathematics education of the hearing-impaired students in the 6-15 age group, which emerged specifically in Covid-19 and will be improved on. Solutions should be developed for needs such as the inability to provide distance education support with appropriate methods and materials that arise in the education of hearing-impaired students during the pandemic period.


Accessible Work for All
Accessible Work for AllAccessible Work for All involves 4 partners from Austria, Germany, Italy and Poland. The project promotes equality, non-discrimination and respect for diversity in the workplace.

BibliodosBibliodos (from the Greek: the way of books) aims to offer adapted and accessible reading, combining language learning with the promotion of European literature and heritage.

InclEUsion The project deals with the issue of the disability of migrants and aims to strengthen the professional skills of educators on how to recognize and manage cases of double discrimination in an educational context.

YOUNG SOCIAL MAKERSThe Erasmus + project, with partners from all over Europe, aims to bridge the gap between professional teaching, the “maker culture” and our social responsibility towards fellow citizens with special needs. By working together to develop practical tools we hope to create a more social and practical Europe!
ROBOTICS4DEAFThe project was born from the desire to guarantee access and participation of deaf students through the design and development of a Training Package that promotes coding and robotics skills that is integrated in all STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics).

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
