Our library specializes in the subject of deafness, and the material available relates exclusively to that subject area.

To find out what titles the library has, you can search the two main online catalogs to which we are connected, specifically:


the regional OPAC, which allows a specific search for monographs and periodicals owned by libraries belonging to the Piedmont Pole of the National Library Service (SBN).


the portal promoted by the General Directorate for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes (DGBLIC) of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and set up by the Central Institute for the Unified Catalog of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information (ICCU). It allows access to the National Library Service, historical and specialized catalogs.



The Institute's library has a free WI-FI connection and a 20-seat reading room.
The help and advice service is available in Italian, English and Italian sign language.
The collection (as of 05/02/24) consists of 5.000 inventoried titles (plus much other material still being cataloged and material that cannot be cataloged), including:

ancient volumes
modern volumes

Special funds:
Graduate and doctoral theses on deafness (193 theses);
Decio Scuri Collection (725 volumes);
Caproni Library Fund (65 volumes);
Collection for the Blind and Visually Impaired (122 volumes);
Multimedia (30 items).


CUP: J44H23000350004

Grazie al progetto "LIS in Lettura", finanziato da Regione Piemonte, l'Istituto dei Sordi di Torino ha potuto eseguire azioni di promozione della lettura in favore di giovani e adulti sordi. Il progetto ha sviluppato azioni di potenziamento linguistico per una maggiore comprensione del testo scritto e una rinnovata scoperta dei generi letterari. Il progetto ha coinvolto giovani e adulti sordi del territorio della Città Metropolitana di Torino


Do you want to consult the books? Are you interested in a guided tour?

In the library premises there is a permanent exhibition of materials of historical and cultural interest related to the Institute, the history of the deaf and their education, as well as the old bookbinding and typography laboratory, which operated from the end of the 19th century until the 1960s.

Free guided tours are available on request and by appointment (in Italian, English and at LIS).