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Academy Department



Digitalisation and globalisation determine the need to professionalise, specialise and train people in new technologies, new work processes and business models, new languages and research methods. The Istituto dei Sordi di Torino has developed the Academy in order to innovate learning processes by reformulating the way in which training activities are carried out, with a particular focus on the learning and communication strategies of deaf people and on making all content accessible in line with the principles of Universal Design for Learning. The teachers of the Academy are normally deaf people and in any case sign language users, and the mode of delivery of all training activities is in Italian Sign Language (LIS) or International Signs. Learning in the model proposed by the Academy thus becomes a "blended" path of empowerment, where classroom activities, on-the-job activities, synchronous and asynchronous e-learning activities coexist, and where moments of frontal teaching alternate with moments of gamification, simulations and external study visits.

Contact person: Nicola Della Maggiora




ISTv is a platform with a TV channel created with the aim of providing accessibility.
In the video there is always a deaf person signalling and pictures are shown next to him/her. These videos can cover four different topics: the first is about current news, the second is about general cultural news and various curiosities, the third is aimed at children and allows activities to entertain them, and the fourth, called "Sordx", aims to give general information about the world of deafness.
The target audience of these videos are people who know sign language and the aim is to increase their knowledge on these topics.

Contact person: Gianluca Grioli




Accessibility for the deaf means that any information or learning material can also be provided in sign language and with subtitles, so that everyone has the opportunity to fully understand the content, as well as the possibility of adding different types of images and symbols to increase the visibility of the information, for example with infographics that allow a quick understanding of the information on a poster or other material.


At the Institute, sign language videos can be recorded in a special room designed with the correct settings and colour contrast for proper sign visibility.


Since 2007 the Institute has been working with cultural institutions and museums to improve their accessibility and make their collections and events more accessible to deaf people. We have collaborated with the Castello di Rivoli - Museum of Contemporary Art, the Gallery of Modern Art in Turin, the Museum of Traditional Aosta Valley Crafts, Casa Cavazza, Istituzione Bologna and many others. Museums and many others. We have also taken part in important European projects on the subject and contributed to the drafting of the Manifesto of Accessible Culture: CLICK HERE.

Contacts person: Maxime Batifol and Nicola Della Maggiora




E-IST is a platform with many asynchronous courses that allows learners to study at a distance, manage their own time, provide digital materials and even make an appointment with a native speaker to practise conversation.

Our distance learning is the solution for the quality-conscious client and the teacher who wants to ensure highly effective, yet flexible and innovative training.

At the end of the course, a final exam is required to obtain a certificate of attendance.

Contacts person: Gianluca Grioli and Nicola Della Maggiora


Director of the Department: Nicola Della Maggiora